Been a few years since having fish, but just had to get back into it.
So I bought a second hand Juwel 180 Vision. I have a couple of Aquamanta EFX200 external filters, one running with a UV steriliser and one running an external heater. I've upgraded to T5 lights as well. The old T8's needed replacing anyway, but as I was intending a planted tank, T5's were the way to go.
Substrate is aquarium plant soil (1-2" deep) with sand over the top
For plant food I'm using a TNC complete feed and their TNC liquid carbon, dosed accordingly.
Its been going for about 2 weeks now with plants.
I have strip light blue LED's for moon lights, ill get some pics later when they come on.
A neighbour didn't want his fish any more (3 gouramis) so I added those along with his substrate in tights and his filter. I have removed these now, but I think its a little too early. Nitrite has raised to 0.25ppm and nitrates are around 40ppm. Ammonia I can detect a very small amount, but not enough colour change to reach the first ppm reading.
I'm doing some extra water changes, but wishing I left the mature tank media in longer. I've never cycled with another tanks media and thought 1 week would be enough.
Anyway, here are some pics, excuse the light from windows, I shut all the curtains, but it wasn't enough.
So I bought a second hand Juwel 180 Vision. I have a couple of Aquamanta EFX200 external filters, one running with a UV steriliser and one running an external heater. I've upgraded to T5 lights as well. The old T8's needed replacing anyway, but as I was intending a planted tank, T5's were the way to go.
Substrate is aquarium plant soil (1-2" deep) with sand over the top
For plant food I'm using a TNC complete feed and their TNC liquid carbon, dosed accordingly.
Its been going for about 2 weeks now with plants.
I have strip light blue LED's for moon lights, ill get some pics later when they come on.
A neighbour didn't want his fish any more (3 gouramis) so I added those along with his substrate in tights and his filter. I have removed these now, but I think its a little too early. Nitrite has raised to 0.25ppm and nitrates are around 40ppm. Ammonia I can detect a very small amount, but not enough colour change to reach the first ppm reading.
I'm doing some extra water changes, but wishing I left the mature tank media in longer. I've never cycled with another tanks media and thought 1 week would be enough.
Anyway, here are some pics, excuse the light from windows, I shut all the curtains, but it wasn't enough.