Just Introducing Myself; Sex My G.b. Rams Please?


New Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Hi all! I'm not new to fish keeping by any means, but I still need advice once in a while! So I decided to join this forum. I hope that I can help and be helped equally

My first question for you all has to do with two newly acquired GBRs. They are in quarantine right now. I've had them in the past but only one at a time so I never bothered to try and sex them, I just picked out the healthiest and prettiest. But now I've got two GBRs who from my best knowledge look male and female when I went to pick them out, but I'm unsure after looking at some articles.
One I think is a long-finned variety, the other I think is a normal GBR. The long-finned one has some tail damage but it should be easy enough to fix.
Ram 1:


Ram 2:



Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!
not a pro by any means but my guess is two female.   Here's an article which is includes sexing information.    I just got 2 German Blue Rams 3 days ago..  They are very young so they don't have the coloring that yours exhibit.   Can't wait till they get bigger and show off some colors.
Thanks for your reply! I was really hoping for a male and female :p but I guess I can always try again and just let him pick one of them as his mate!
I assumed the long finned one was female, but the first one with normal finnage still has me confused. Not to offend you but I'll also wait for other input :)
don't take my word as gospel----I could be wrong.  I have two Bolivian Rams and two German Blue Rams along with about 10 other assorted fish (see my sig).   
They are both females; the give away is the fact the the blue 'spangles' go over the black spot on their sides,
Guys, why do u reply if you have no clue? Those are for sure 2 male rams. Females would have a reddish belly. Also there body shape would be slightly different.
Female rams often only develop a pink belly when they're in breeding condition.

The blue spangles in the black spot is one of the most reliable indicators of sex in rams.
fluttermoth said:
They are both females; the give away is the fact the the blue 'spangles' go over the black spot on their sides,
what he said
Look at the size and body shape of those rams. If they were female they had a pinkish belly. I have never seen any adult female without it (except with the forms which got deleted for red color). I am willing to put 1000 US$ on 2 males here.
Check the pic on here there are many males with blue spangles over the black spot. This is no feature one can use to distinguish the sex in breeding forms. It may be valid for the wild form though.

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