Just Got Some New Buddies!


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2012
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Animart about 20 miles away is building a new store. They open at the end of the month. I just happen to go there last week and saw that they had a lot of fish on buy one get one free.

Now I trust Animart much more than say, petco or petsmart. No dead fish in the tank is a good clue on the care, to me at least. None of the fish seemed stressed, and I saw that if they did have a sick tank, none were on sale with a sign saying "we are not feeling well, give us some time to get better"

Anyways, now on to the fun stuff.

Heres my inventory that I got.

8x Rosbora Het
5x Pristella Tetras
1x Neon Tetra

I think outside of the plants and maybe one or 2 more corry emmy green cats, the 72 gallon is done

The stock now has in the 72 gallon
5x Pristella Tetras
11x Zebra Dinos ( mix of normal and long fin )
2x Emmy green corries.

Now I think that the tank above can take at least 2 more cats. I want em to have a little group thing going on.

Now the 50 gallon is
2x White clouds
8x Rosbora Hets

Then for the 30 gallon
5x Emperor tetras
3x Neon Tetras
2x Guppies

I do have a 10 gallon that has only 1 white cloud in it. I may move her to the 50 gallon to be with her mates. I just wanted to keep that tank going. Yes I do have another 10 gallon hospital tank too.

Heres to daily monitoring the water once again... and most likely a few weeks worth of daily or every other day water changes again! "raises beer"

Yes I am looking at getting a new filter for the 72 gallon... I know its been giving me problems... not that is not running, but I think now with all those fish and the fact it was used, I should just get a new one and do a hard fishless cycle with it in a bucket or something to get it going.
All of your tanks have room for more fish and if they are well cycled you shouldn't need to do daily changes or testing.

As far as a new filter, just add it to the tank for a month or two and it will be cycled. Then you can remove the old filter without any problems.
Heres to daily monitoring the water once again... and most likely a few weeks worth of daily or every other day water changes again! "raises beer"

Top man looking out for ammonia spikes after adding that lot :good:
All of your tanks have room for more fish and if they are well cycled you shouldn't need to do daily changes or testing.

As far as a new filter, just add it to the tank for a month or two and it will be cycled. Then you can remove the old filter without any problems.
Well I am sure to get spikes now that I have added a lot of fish. Not so much in the 30 gallon due to only one fish to it, but the 50 gallon whee I added alot of stock vs what I had in there. Its what, a 400% loan increase? I dont think the 72 gallon will be all that bad because I already had a good amount of stock in it... but its still close adding 50% more stock to that one too.
There's no problem if you keep on top of it :)

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