Just A Thought I Had


Jan 8, 2014
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Now hopefully I'm not making a fool of myself because it is very late and I've been in brain overload because it's the last week before finals week buuuut is mixing splendens and non-splendens a thing?? Again I might be just a bit sleep deprived right now but I was looking at Wildbetta's well wild bettas and I noticed that the males body color with the stripe is very similar to how my little betta's body color is (I'm referring to the male B. Simplex pic if anyone wants to got to Wildbetta's thread and look and then look at mine under the journal on the splenden side called My Baby Double Tail). Again my betta is still very young so maybe that's the reason his body isn't really coloring like his fins have but after look at some pics of the wild bettas my brain was like "hey, do people interbreed the splenden and non?" and so I was just wondering if that was a thing/possibility. (Don't judge, I'm tired and curious) 
They can breed wild splendens with domestic, but I doubt they would.
Splendens are much meaner then the other species so they shouldnt be mixed.
And, your baby will look weird for a while since he is a baby :)
Hope this answers your questions.
Simplex are mouthbrooders, splendens bubblenesters, so you can indeed house them together without the fear of cross breeding. usually the crosses will come from the same complex, and its not always all of the complex that can interbreed. For instance, macrostoma and any of the other unimaculata species, yet pallifina and unimaculata will breed.
And on that note, people will indeed breed wild splenden to domestics, as well as mahachaiensis, smaragdina and imbellis. It is one way we have such pretty colors. I personally would like to keep the wilds true. The real wild splendens are few and far between and will be a side project of mine one day. But yeh you can interbreed some of the species.

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