Julii Cory Turned White

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Fish Crazy
Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Rockland County, New York
Here's the situation - this morning, I noticed that my Cory (I only have 1 right now, planning on getting him a few friends) turned white along part of his body - though his spots remain the same shade of black.

I did not feed him yesterday, and also, there was a blue LED light running for approximately 34 hours straight.

He ate well on Friday, and he ate this morning too. He has been resting a lot, but the truth his, he had days like that before, part of which, I assume, is because he's lonely (which i will rectify as soon as the LFS that I trust gets more of them in).

The fish, and the dwarf frog I have are the same as usual, with no discoloration or other type of symptom.

The tank is fully cycled.


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Can you post water stats please. First thing to rule out is bad water quality.

It could be stress. As corys need to be kept in groups. (No less than 3)

The pale area does it look like bleaching beneath the skin.
Any cotton wool patches on the pale area.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - looks like 5

I'm using the API liquid tests. I don't have the Ph test, because even though I know it's high, since that was it is where I live, I don't want I be tempted to mess with it, and the LFS that I trust (they actually know about proper cycling, and overstocking, and fish temperament and requirements) says it's not so high as to be problematic, and they don't mess with theirs either.

Temp is about 78* F. Sand substrate, if you can't tell from the pics. LED lighting.

Did a 35% water change on Friday.

The only thing that changed was that I switched from Top Fin Tap Water Conditioner to Seachem Prime (in that change, the Prime was only in 15-20% of the new water). Also added 2.5ml Seachem Stressguard then, but not since.

No cotton wool patches anywhere.
When he resting does he lean on his side.
Or turn upside down.
Also just check him for red patches, tiny red spots.

It could be stress due to being on his own.
Is there much difference in his behavior.

Check his barbels.
He rests upright, I've never seen him on his side or upside down.

I had to stick my hand in to get to swim close enough to the wall so I could examine, but I see no red spots anywhere, and his barbels look the same length and color as usual.

The only thing I can say is he's resting a bit more than usual.

In terms of getting him some friends, I have four places I could choose to go. 1. Sells many many painted fish, and I don't want to buy anything from them. 2. Petsmart, where I initially got him, but the last time I was there, I really looked in the tanks, and the fish did not look happy... And then I saw a dead long tailed lizard that was completely dried up by the reptile section... So I don't want to buy from them. 3. Petco, the assistant manger is knowledgable, and says her fish person knows even more than she does. The fish looked healthy and well cared for, my only really turn off there is that they use test strips to check the water, and I know those are not usually accurate. 4. Pets Place II, which is my preference, all the fish look healthy and happy, the staff is very knowledgable about both fresh and saltwater fish and their habitats. But they don't have any julii cories in stock, and their fish delivery is Tuesday, so I won't know until late Tuesday or early Wednesday if they got any more in.

Do you think it's so urgent I should find out if Petco has and buy some immediately if they do? Or should I wait til I find out if Pets Place II got them in this week?

Thank you so much, Wilder! I really appreciate your quick responses! I would hate to lose my Cory, he's my favorite fish!
If you did buy some more corys I would isolate them for a few weeks, to make sure they are free of disease.
I bought 3 panda corys and they live for 5 years.
Added 3 more panda corys a few months later and lost all 3 of the newer ones.

It not sounding like a bacterial infection.
It sounding more likes stress.
Once I got down to only having one cory left, he rested alot.
He lost his mates (2 females to old age).
I guess I'll just buy them when they come into Pets Place II, and hope that everything else sorts it's self out.

I was a little worried that it was because I didn't feed him yesterday, even though I know fish can go up to three days without feeding (and mine will have to next week, because no one will be home to feed them for a couple of days, and then again one time next month).

Thank you for your help!
Can't you ask someone you know, who could feed them for you while you are away.

Just keep a close eye on him. Any changes don't hesitate getting back to the board.

Good Luck.

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