Julidochromis Marlieri / Marlier's Julie~ Male Or Female?


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2013
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I have 2 Julidochromis marlieri / Marlier's Julie and I believe they are a pair (M & F) however I cannot find any pictures that show the differences between the sexes, only descriptions about genital pappillae (I am assuming thats something to do with a fin near their genitals/anus??!!) being different and that the female is bigger than the male :D
So we have Big and Small (yes thats what we have called them lol) they have a territory in a rocky cave like ornament and as the names suggest one is significantly bigger than the other, how can I tell whether they are M or F? Does anyone have any pics they could share?
Thank you so much
If there is a big size difference and there hanging out together then you can presume you have a pair.
Thanks for the reply and yes one is twice the size of the other one, I assumed they were a pair but have been given varying advice from other sites and was a little worried.
I was even told that they would die because they swim at random angles in and out of the rocky/pebbley parts of the tank and sometimes hide vertically next to the pump and other places~ on doing some better research I found that it's natural behaviour for them.
Was also told I shouldn't have just bought 2 but should have bought 4-6 and let them pair off and then return the others, however they were the only 2 at the lfs, so again I'll assume they are indeed a M & F pair :)
Lol. Your right, the norm is to by 6 and wait for a pair to form. If there a decent size you can have a rough guess. How big are they at the minute? cheers
Big is roughly 2 - 2.5 inches and Small is roughly 1 - 1.5 inches in length and Big is much fatter aswell.

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