Joined Today ... I Have Many Questions.


Mostly New Member
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
Hello, I just made an account today, but I've been coming here to look at people's advice for a while now...
I have a lot of questions:
1.) Is there an age requirement to have an account?
2.) I tried to change my picture using the Gravatar choice, but it would not update... Is this because my account (as of writing this) is new?
3.) I've also tried to change my information on my profile (About Me, gender, birthday, age, etc.), and I have looked at the pinned Welcome threads... but I can't find anything to change any of the previously mentioned fields! Again, is this because my account is new?
4.) I'm looking at my profile right now. What are "warning points?" It says I have 0, so I'm guessing I should keep it there.
5.) Speaking of 0... On the right side of my profile, it says "0 Neutral." What does that mean?
If you could answer any of these questions, that'd be much appreciated! I'm sorry if I come off as ignorant, I just don't know where to start!
In answer to your first question yes there is an age restriction, it is written in all the rules that are found here link should also answer most of your other questions.
And Welcome to the forum
Baccus said:
In answer to your first question yes there is an age restriction, it is written in all the rules that are found here link should also answer most of your other questions.
And Welcome to the forum
There is? It says "... suitable for members of all ages." I did look at that, but I didn't see any of questions really answered in there, but it is a good reference. Thank you.
I don't think that there is an age restriction. In the Chat Rules it says "TFF is a family friendly place and we appreciate you keeping your chat appropriate for all ages. The forum is worldwide so please note that just because it's 3 AM where you are doesn't mean a child won't be in the chat room" which implies that children are allowed on the site.
I believe "0" refers to your number of posts that people have "liked." You are a new member, and have not had any yet.
I think that "warning posts" are posts where you get a warning put upon a post based on content. Don't post anything inappropriate and you won't have to worry about it.

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