Jd X Jag Hybrid?

Of cichlids that readily hybridise JD's seem to be quite reluctant. However I have seen JD x Convict and JD x Green texas(with will both also breed with Jags)so a JD x Jag is not impossible. If you are willing and patient I would give it a try. I have never seen a JD x Jag or even anyone talk of theirs breeding but again its not to say it has not happened.

Good luck :)
its ok.
im am currently trying to breed my jd with my jaguar.
i know that my jaguar is a female but not sure about the jack dempsey.
my jack dempsey and jaguar cichlid is the same size both at 3 in.
my jack dempsey also has a red forehead is that normal???
could it be a female??
they hang out together but sometimes they get into fights.
i will find pics on what they look like.

my female jaguar looks the this:

my jack dempsey looks like this but has red forehead and fins:

what will there frys look like if they are a pair??

considering that we don't have actual pics of your jag and JD can't tell if both are female as the fish shown in the pics are.
I think they ahve one in my lfs, it was misslabled as a flowerhorn, but dosent look anything like one. I cant really discribe it as i wasn treally paying attention and i looked just enough to think of what it could have been, as it looked nothing like the flowerhorns they were labled as.
not all flowerhorns look the same, there are many variants, Zz, Kamfa, Kamalau, Jin Kang, RainbowKing, just to name a few, it was probably a flowerhorn.
I have a baby JD X Jag Hybrid. I just got it about a week ago. If I can get a good pic of him I will post in on here for you. Right now he is in the same tank with a bigger Salvini Chiclid (not BIG, but maybe twice the size of the baby JD x Jag hybrid), but the JDJag punks him out all the time. It's a beautiful fish, and yes....it can be done.

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