Java Moss. Id / Condition.


Jul 16, 2013
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Java moss came today , was a nice big bag. It looks like the moss I have already how ever it was all broken into little clumps not like the longish strands my other moss was when bought. Is this normal? Does this indicate low quality ?
Should be ok, just tie or glue these on bogwood or rocks and should grow fairly quickly. Give it a few weeks and you should see growth occurring.
I am no expert on Java Moss or any other plants thats for darn sure, I got my Java Moss in small clumps as well, and just tied it on a nice piece of bogwood using some fishing line, and growing nicely and starting to spread all over the wood now which is what I wanted, does need a trim now and again to keep it in check though! 

So whether it comes in small clumps or not, I have no idea if that indicates low quality or not.

Hopefully someone can elaborate on that side of things.
I think it's trimmings . I got it on eBay . I tied it to a few rocks and stuck a bit here and there. Half will be ok but there is so much of it and already loads of little bits have come loose. Do you think it will clog my filters?
I would not worry to much about the pieces coming off with respect to quality (But do take the small bits that come adrift out as these could block your filter)as Ch4rlie said just tie the moss to wood, rocks anything really and it will grow. Give it a month and you will be trimming it yourself. Mine did.
Sounds like trimmings.  I actually took some trimming from my platy tank and then cut them up even smaller into tiny pieces, then wound some fishing line around and tied them to some wood.  A few bits came loose but the rest of it seems to be making a thick luxuriant mat of moss, looks good so far.
daizeUK said:
Sounds like trimmings.  I actually took some trimming from my platy tank and then cut them up even smaller into tiny pieces, then wound some fishing line around and tied them to some wood.  A few bits came loose but the rest of it seems to be making a thick luxuriant mat of moss, looks good so far.
It looks like it's slowed down on bit coming of. Unless the fish/snails/shrimp pick at It I hope it attaches. I've been collecting the bits comming of and will attach them to some bits of slate and place them on the sand to try to get a carpet going

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