Fish Fanatic
Hi All,
another question by me,not trying to set a record on the amount of posts I do.
I have baby java ferns,how should I plant these.I know on rock or d/wood,but should I put one on each piece of rock etc lets say the d/wood if about 6 inches long should I plant one/two or three on it,that way I will get an idea on quantity per rock.
Thank you all for your help to date,very much appreciated.
another question by me,not trying to set a record on the amount of posts I do.
I have baby java ferns,how should I plant these.I know on rock or d/wood,but should I put one on each piece of rock etc lets say the d/wood if about 6 inches long should I plant one/two or three on it,that way I will get an idea on quantity per rock.
Thank you all for your help to date,very much appreciated.