Kia Ora
Do you know if some plants of java fern could grow in my un heated coldwater tank?
I'm getting a bigger tropical tank in the beginning of may.
I currently have a 21L tank and my LFS has a special going on for java fern so I was wondering if the java fern would be okay in my current tank?
Are there any other plants that would be okay in coldwater until my bigger tank comes?
Once I get my bigger tank I will set this current tank up as a nano tank.
I would like to get my java fern established before my bigger tank comes.
So can the java fern survive for at least 2 months in coldwater?
If I do set my current tank up as a nano will the java fern be alright staying in there?
Will my nano tank have to be heated?
Sorry for all the questions!
Do you know if some plants of java fern could grow in my un heated coldwater tank?
I'm getting a bigger tropical tank in the beginning of may.
I currently have a 21L tank and my LFS has a special going on for java fern so I was wondering if the java fern would be okay in my current tank?
Are there any other plants that would be okay in coldwater until my bigger tank comes?
Once I get my bigger tank I will set this current tank up as a nano tank.
I would like to get my java fern established before my bigger tank comes.
So can the java fern survive for at least 2 months in coldwater?
If I do set my current tank up as a nano will the java fern be alright staying in there?
Will my nano tank have to be heated?
Sorry for all the questions!