Jarring Fries At An Early Stage


Jun 3, 2005
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Hi Guys,

I'm attempting to embark on breeding a pair of Bettas and I've been reading up a lot on breeding. A common point highlighted by most articles is the need to separate the fries when they start to get aggressive with each other. I'm just wondering, will it be possible for me to Jar the fries when they are still really young, if the batch is really small.

Won't this reduce the chances of fights to 0%? Would there be any negative repercussions to such a method?

Thanks in advance!

They don't really become aggressive with each other until ~2 months after they hatch. Jarring them too young isn't a great idea because they're so delicate. Plus, you cannot sex them for a while and there's not much of a point to jarring females individually. But if you want to start jarring at a month or so you can, just make sure you can keep those jars at a fry friendly temperature and you're doing daily water changes to ensure ammonia and the growth stunting hormone young males release aren't building up.
From my experience breeding bettas, jarring fry young isn't a great idea.
Females can be just as aggressive as the males, so if you jar a fry due to it picking on the other little ones, and it ends up being a female when older, separating it will likely cause her to be unable to live in a community tank with other female bettas.
Personally, I separate the fry when I'm 100% sure it's male, so I don't end up with anti-social females :D

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