Jack Dempsey Questions

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Oct 8, 2009
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Hey just wondering if a Jack Dempsey will be a good addition.

I have 75 gallon with an Oscar, 4 jewel cichlids, blood parrot, female convict, albino senegal,Asian upside down catfish and rainbow shark. They are all moving into a 150 gallon in a couple months. All fish been together for a year and a half except for Oscar n catfish which added couple months.

Will Jack Dempsey fit in this setup? Also how shy are jack dempseys? Are they fast growers? I thought of either getting a Texas cichlid instead but might be too aggressive.

Thanks in advance.
Depending on the size of the current fish and the size of the jack they should do fine.  The only one I might be worried about is the upside down catfish.  Most of the other fish will outgrown it considerably and he could become a meal for the Jack or Oscar. The jewel cichlids could get bullied a little as the Oscar and Jack grow as well. In my experience Jack's are shy when younger but given a good environment with compatible tank mates they will come out of their shell so to speak.  They are also slower growing when compared to Oscars.  This is just my experience so take it with a grain of salt.  
Thanks a lot for response! Very helpful.

Their beautiful fish so I try to get as much info. Although I think you mistaken my upside down catfish for the nigreventis. My catfish is a Leucophasis and is almost 10 inches. my cichlids are actually scared of him and I was afraid he'll eat my 3" Jewel cichlid... But they were fine.

Also I bought a 180gallon instead of 150 I hope I can set up a good environment for him if I get a Jack
Jack Dempseys are known to get very aggressive with age and relentless when they decide on another fish to harass. They get their name from a prize fighter.

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