Jack Dempsey Disappeared


New Member
Apr 30, 2012
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I've just got back from 2 week holiday and my Jack has dissapeared. My mum has been feeding every other day and she did remeber seeing him at the beggining of the week but didn't take much notice.

Could he have died and the other fish eaten him? he was about 1-2 inches in size.

Other fish in the tank are : 12 Milawi Chichlids (1-2 inches in size) & 1 Salfin Pleco (3 inches in size)

Any ideas? has the great Harry Houdini been reincarnated as my Jack?
Are you sure your mom didn't lie to you? Like, he might have died and she might have scooped his body out.
I doubt she did, though. ;)

That's a very strange case... I doubt the other cichlids ate him (whole) if he was the same size. Sure, they could've eaten him bit by bit like piranhas, but then wouldn't his bones still float around? (Would they eat his bones?)
I... really don't know..
He might have died. Jacks are Central American Cichlids. They dont mix with african cichlids.
Im inclined to agree with crazy. If you were gone and he died its very likely the malawis ate the majority of him. They arent meant to be kept together

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