Jack Dempsey Breeding Help


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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I brought 2 baby Jack dempseys and had them in a 20 gal tank with other fish like a baby oscar, baby convicts and baby blue acara. They bred but I didn't have another tank/net to keep the fry. Few months later I now have a 4ft 55gal tank and they have been in there for a month or 2 but haven't bred. Thought with more space in a bigger tank they would breed better but haven't bred at all. Have I done somthing wrong?
Too many large fish in to small of a tank. They may be breeding and the eggs are getting eaten, or they wont breed on the fact that they have no territory to call their own. I also wouldnt recomment keeping a breeding pair of Jacks with other fish. The male and female both will put on Oscar on the floor in a heartbeat to protect their young, not to mention that the jacks will probably eat their own babies rather than run the risk of providing a snack to the rest of the tank.

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