Why in the world did she have to do it today? X_X
I wasn't ready at all, the tank was moved across the room, my catfish was pretending to be a pleco by hiding between a plant and the glass... and my female swordtail decided to drop.
The male ate pretty much everything except for the 5 I've saved and there was 1 black-purple one that hid inside the plant. Well, that one is no longer there now, at least I cannot see him.
Even worse though, they ended up in a 10L tub -.- Right now I'm extremely confused as to what to do. I have a bunch of fry and no more place for the 23L, cannot put them back in the 76L because the male is a freaking fry killer. He killed a lot and left them there, mutilated
The 5 saved ones are: 2 calicos, 1 completely white (including its eyes) and 2 pink ones. One of the 2 pink ones seems to have had his tail nipped off by the male

So probably won't survive.
How long can I leave them in the tub though? It probably isn't best for fish, but I have no options until they grow a bit so that the male won't be able to fit them in his mouth.
And I'm not sure about the catfish, found 2 of these lying next to him but he did nothing. Still he could probably fit anything under 2 cm in his mouth if he wanted to.
A pic of some of them, the white one can barely be seen though, he's on the left and the pink one with tail missing is on the right:
I'll probably lose them though. Nothing I can do about it but I don't want to put them back in the main tank, saw too many left torn to pieces on the sand.
Bee's now slim too.
And the male had a feast -.- so after he had enough food, just resorted to killing the fry.