Is This Whitespot


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Hi All
is the above white spot, just want to check before treating for the wrong condition?

pic 2
If those spots are salt-grain sized it will be white-spot. I recommend treating white-spot with Waterlife Protozin.
It does look like white spot. but the quality of the picture is not that good. Assuming it is medicine alone won't do the job.
You need to raise your water temperature slowly. let's say one degree a day, your fish is already vulnerable from the disease if you jump from 24/25 to 30 in an instant it will die.
The higher temperature will accelerate the Icht parasite life cycle forcing it to abandon the fish into the gravel. It's in this stage that the medicine kills it. If  you don't raise he temperature the parasite will stay longer in the fish and there the medicidne does not kill it.
Keep repetting this treatment even after after there's no spots on the fish for a few days. The medicine will not kill all of them in one go and they will reatach to the fish if you stop.
After the treatment is finished decrease your temperature slowly like you did to increase as not to shock the fish. Do a big water change and if you don't have a planted tank add some activated carbon to your filter to clean any remaining medicine.
Be careful what meds you use on clown loaches. There isn't many they can tolerate.
Do the gills seem awfully red? What are your water parameters?
Looks like white spot and the fish doesn't look very happy already.. Good luck!
ty for the info and quick response, gonna use Waterlife Protozin in the tank.
Read another forum post do i need to increase aeration? I have got a Tetratec APS 100 Air Pump running in a 86 litre tank.
Also noticed people saying about changing ya filter media? do i do that before meds? have filter wool and carbon in.
Should i perform water changes before medicating? (dont want to over stress fish out)
The airpump is to improve oxygenation, at higher temperatures you'll want to do everything you can to get O2 into the water, surface agitation is the key there. Filter outlets by the surface and any powerheads pointing up to the water line will do the trick though. Anything to get the water at the surface moving around once the temp gets up high.
Gills might be red because of the stress from the whitespot, might be a sign of why the fish got stressed. Have you checked the other parameters? Would be interested in knowing what the nitrite level is in there with that look.
water parameters not checked i was so worried about the fish and after one of the two clowns died :-(, i have removed me carbon and replenished me fiter wool and have started me waterlife treatment as i only have a pump with filter wool and carbon for a 86l tank i am using 4.5ml each treatment day (3ml for 30litres so 9ml for 90litres, half the dose as i do not have power filtration as far as i can see).
i will ofc check them again after medication, dont want to do before incase medication causes incorrect readings. I have only done a water change friday last week and the readings seemed ok then.
think from now reading up i know where i went wrong had a angel fish die couple of weeks back checked levels and they were ok, never thought then to put anti bacterial meds in tank (live and learn :-()

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