Is This White Spot


Jan 8, 2012
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My fish have been acting strange this week scratching across the sand but I can't see any spots I've been told by my lfs to rase the temp but I don't now what to it is at 25 at the moment and I don't now if my green thantom Plec will be ok if I turn up the temp

Thanks for any help

Flashing is not just a symptom of white spot, fish just do it when their skin is irritated/itchy. Are there any other symptoms?
No they are fine other than that all eating fine it is mainly the tinfoil barb keyhole the Corey's that do it the most
Need more information please.
Size of tank in gallons?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Added anything to the tank lately like new fish, plants, changed water conditioner, or used a medication lately.

Check the fish for any of these symptoms.
Darting, erratic swimming.
Laboured breathing, or gasping at surface of tank?
Do any of the fish show signs of excess slime, on body, fins gills?
Do the gills look pale with excess slime, red inflamed?
Do any fish show signs of a grey film on body, a greyish blue film on body?
Do the fish have an opaque body with excess slime?
Do the fish look like there been sprinkled in gold dust, brown velvet patches, yellow golden spots, rusty coloured varnish on fish?
Check fish for red sores, or tiny red pink prick marks?
The tank is 180l now new fish added current stock is
2 keyhole chiclids
2 baby clown loach
10 Corey's
1 baby green thantom plec
2 Bn
1 baby tinfoil barb

None of those just the scraping across the sand

Jack :0)
Without water stats we would just be guessing. We have to rule out bad water quality as this can also make fish flick and rub against objects in the tank.
If you don't have any liquid test kits for testing, I would advise taking a sample of your tank water to the
LFS for testing. Ask if they wouldn't mind writing the readings down for you.
For now a water change to see if that stops the fish flicking and rubbing.
The water stats are ammonia 0.00 ph 7 nitrates 30.00 nitrites 0.00

Hope that helps
Yes that does help as now we can rule out bad water quality.

Keep a close eye on the fish for spots the size of a grain of salt. Or tiny bubbles on fins, or body. as this sometimes
can mean the fish are about to break out in whitespot.
Other symptoms I mentioned on a earlier reply.
when you do a water change do you use the recommended dose of dechlorinater? i know i had a problem wit my corys "flashing" someone told me to change from stress coat to a different brand dechlorinater, i also double dosed due to using copper treatments in the past....but more flashing...(that ive noticed) :good:
I would turn the temp back down.
We need to wait and see if the parasite symptoms show up.
How often are the fish flicking and rubbing?
The fish are still flicking and rubbing and There are spots on some of them

How can I get read of it
If the spots are the size of a grain of salt I would get treating for whitespot.

Gravel vac and water change.
Raise temp to 30.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Increase aeration.
Add whitespot medication., Make sure you can use full dose with the fish you keep. As you have to half
dose with sensitive fish.
Hi , I'm no expert but I'm sure you can't treat with chemicals because of the clown loach.One way to treat is to increase the temp to about 30-31 which helps stop the white spot getting worse but make sure you have good aeration because oxygen levels drop in higher temps.I've heard you can treat with salt but I have no idea about dosing levels.Try a search on this and other sites for that info but I would definately up the temp if you are sure it's white spot.

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