Is This Tank Overcrowded? Need Help Id'ing A Fish

Jun 26, 2006
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My dad just bought a secondhand tank with some very beautiful fish! However I am a little worried it might be overcrowded. I have identified most of the fish but I'm still unsure about one. 
The tank is 50 gallons and has a canister filter. The guy my dad bought it from said that he has had this setup and most of the fish for four years. 

The fish:

1 blood parrot ciclid-- 4 in
1 gold gourami -- 4 in
1 ??? (gourami?) -- 4 in
8 tiger barbs -- 2-3 in
6 assorted corydoras -- 1-2 in
Here are the tiger barbs. Five are black/red striped and the other three are the lighter colored ones. They're just a different color morph of the same species, right?


Here is the fish I am unsure about, but maybe some sort of gourami...?

Yes the others in the picture are still tiger barbs I believe they are albino tiger barbs and the other fish is a pearl gourami.
Can you attach some pictures of the corydoras as lots of people have them so I'm sure they and possibly I can identify them and some people keep Cory's on gravel but I don't like to keep them on it as it can erode their barbels from Tom
I don't believe your overstocked but are fully stocked.
Those are definitely Albino Tigers and yes they are just a color morph and are perfectly fine with regular Tigers. Good that you have 8 Tigers as that will help limit aggression towards the other fish! :)

Keep an eye on the two Gouramis as different types can be aggressive when kept together. If they have been together for a few years I guess you should be fine but I would watch.

I think your stock levels are fine depending on your filtration. You said it has a canister filter but do you know what kind? You want to make sure it is suitable for a tank of your size...generally speaking you want a filter rated for a tank that is larger than what you have.

Hope this helps! :)
Stocking is fine. 
As long as you keep us with the weekly water changes and over all maintenance then you'll be fine.
Also when you get the pic of the cories, either quote my post and i'll help identify. Just if they are assorted they should be in groups of 6+ with their own species.. just a tip if you didn't already know :p

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