Is This Rock Aquarium Safe?


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2013
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So I'm on holiday and staying at the beach and have found a bunch of these rocks that I love and want to use for my new cichlid tank,
It appears to be slate with quartz running through it.
I of course will boil the rocks a few times before I put them in the tank.
I got a small piece of this type of rock and put it in a bowl of vinegar, no reaction, bowl of bleach, no reaction.
i have no clue maybe you could put it in some water and then test the ph and see if that matches your cichlid tank.
Can we see a pic they sound nice 
The tank at the moment is a tetra planted tank but I've found a strange love for cichlids recently so want to tear it down and rock it up and change my stocking.
Seen as though I'm surrounded by endless amounts of rocks I thought I'd save a few pounds and take some with me.
Tried uploading a pic of it but my iPhone 5 won't let me :(
It's almost like a marble effect of white running through the stones
It's the first pic in this link, only way I can show pictures of them
They should be fine, as long as none of the veins are metallic.

There is a possibility that they could dissolve a bit and harden your water slightly (vinegar isn't really a strong enough acid for rock testing; you need rust remover), but if you're going for Rift valley cichlids, that won't be important.

Do not under any circumstances boil rocks! First of all it's unnecessary; washing in hot water is all that's needed; you can pour boiling water over them if you want to. The main reason is that some rocks contain air pockets and if you boil them they could explode!
Ahh yes I see them I had a few like that once, they are pretty, I'm sure I even had them in an aquarium also, I think they will be fine. 
It's definitely quartz, one piece has crystals on one side of it,
Is it definitely safe?
The rock is BEAUTIFUL!
Don't know if that link will work it's to my twitter post only way I can think of showing you my rocks
Can't view your Twitter account as I don't have one 
there should be an easier way I'm not that great with computers but perhaps if you download the image onto your comp and then put it here or perhaps a photobucket link if you have it? they tend to work.
I see them 
they look fine to me, are they going in a big tank? would love to see them in situ.
Look OK to me. As fluttermoth says, the things to watch for are metals in rocks like that. Quartz is a very hard rock and that's the kind (in general) that are good for aquariums.
They are going in a 250L so I'm going to get a lot more rock before I leave then take down my current set up and redo it and fetch some cichlids! Excited :D
Never kept them before, anything I should be very aware of that's different to other trops?

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