Is This Red Platy Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2013
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hi have this red platy who i think is pregnant but i can't be sure. she is going up and down the side of the tank in the same place. when i go near the tank she moves and the goes back there. currently she is the breeding tank with platy fry.
here is a couple of photo's of what she looks like. please can someone tell me if she or isn't so i can put her back in the main tank.
This was taken 5 days ago

This was taken today
Yes that platy is pregnant. Heavily by the looks of it.
thanks, i just can not for the life of me see the gravid spot. 
can you possibly tell me how long she has till she pops??
The average platy takes 4-6 weeks form insemination to release her babies. Do you know how long she has been pregnant?
The gravid spot is a shifty way to tell the status of a pregnant platy btw. Size is much more reliable. Seeing little fry swimming out her butt is reliable as well ;) .
She was last week when you posted that same picture. She isn't particularly squared-off, so I would say 2-3 days more.
The gravid spot isn't a particularly good indicator. SOme fish have a permanent gravid spot, others never get one.
no i have no idea, i noticed last week that she was hiding away from the other fish in my main tank and just coming out for food. but ever since she has been in the breeding tank she has been swimming about and being a normal fish. :) and then today she has been swimming up down the side of the tank. and she has only done it once she went backwards like she was pushing but nothing came out. 

it was a different picture the_lock_man. i took it about 20 mins ago. she was just going up and down the tank. 
Tony1986 said:
no i have no idea, i noticed last week that she was hiding away from the other fish in my main tank and just coming out for food. but ever since she has been in the breeding tank she has been swimming about and being a normal fish.
and then today she has been swimming up down the side of the tank. and she has only done it once she went backwards like she was pushing but nothing came out. 

it was a different picture the_lock_man. i took it about 20 mins ago. she was just going up and down the tank. 
The one you posted above the new one, which you say was taken 5 days ago is the one you posted before. I said at the time that I reckoned a week or so left to go.
ok i was just double checking as she was acting strange today going up and down the side of the tank, and i know that's one of the signs that she is about to pop. i had a platy give birth 2 weeks ago and she wasn't that square before she gave birth. 
Aah, I see. He said that he wanted to know if it was pregnant but what he really wanted to know was how long it would be till she popped.
It's a conspiracy :big_boss: .
( one of these days I've got to learn what a conspiracy is ;) )

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