Is This A Killifish?

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Apr 5, 2008
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Earlier today I bought some bait minnows to go fishing and this was in with them

also there is what i assume is a female. It is slightly smaller with similar markings but no color. Any clues as to what they are?
Yeah I'm pretty sure it Is

I couldnt tell you the exact species, bigc would most likely I'd it :good:

I wouldn't use it as bait as some killifish are pretty rare (even if it's not rare it's a nice looking fish ) :blink:
I tried googling killifish found in Oklahoma. The only thing I came up with was a fish that looked similar in pattern but it had a different body shape. The head angled mored down and the body was slightly fatter.
Do they farm the bait fish or catch them wild ?

If they're farmed they might have some how got mixed in :blink:
They are caught wild in a river not far away from where I live.
Ahh I'm not sure then tbh

See if bigc shows up if not you could try pming Him and he might be able to I'd it :good:
Thank you. I took it to a wildlife office yesterday to see if they knew and they said it was called a great plains killifish.
Fundulus zebrinus as bait fish!!what a waste
You have such interesting fish on your doorstep,that we can only hope of getting rarely over here in the UK
Wow what a lucky find D:
i'd go back and see if you could get more of them
or ask where they fish and maybe catch some yourself
Earlier today I bought some bait minnows to go fishing and this was in with them

also there is what i assume is a female. It is slightly smaller with similar markings but no color. Any clues as to what they are?

I'm glad I found your post, I just bought 2 striped panchax killifish and again, the store did not know what they were, its a big grocery store and convenient for me to buy fish there, the store is 6 min. from my house. So, I bring the fish home, look them up, and they sound like they will be fine in a community tank. I bought one male, one female. Hope they don't argue! The male stays at the top like an alligator and has not bothered the other fish. He was glad to see a female, hope she's pretty enough for him LOL. He is a vivid bright neon colored fish with yellow and green stripes, red tipped fins, and the female is plain light gray. If my tank turns into a singles dance I hope they choose each other. They both love the new plant I added yesterday, it will be fun to watch them tonight. The fish in your picture does not look like mine at all, I don't know what yours is. Maybe its a type of loach? Just not sure and you had a good close up of him, someone will be able to identify him. Hope you find out and maybe you have a tank you can put him in?

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