Is This A Fish ?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2013
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So i have just 2 talking cat fish in 1 tank i noticed the water was getting low so filled it up with a empty external filter the sand all moved around so could of came out of the sand ?

It looks like a shrimp ?? Or somthing ??
Here is 1 of my catfish
That looks like hydra. I don't know if they are dangerous to your stock. Some reports say that they can consume fry and shrimp.
agreed with attibones - it looks like a hydra. As far as I know they can be dangerous and they can multiply quickly. Please remove it if you can - better safe than sorry
Is it fixed to the glass, or free swimming?

If it's fixed, I agree it's most likely a hydra, but if it's free swimming it's probably a damselfly larvae.
It was fixed i notixed the catfish came out around 6pm they never ever come out they was going pretty mad i then noticed it stuck to the back glass for hours the catfish was swiming up and down with the light on they normaly dont swim or come out with the light out i just had a look and its gone cant find it any were in the tank at all.
Its a damselfly lavae, harmful to small fish, but a tasty treat for your catfish.
Definitely a damselfly larvae when looked at the pic close up.
This is one that I caught from one of my tanks quite a while ago -
Chances are, they hitchiked into your tank via some plants. These do vary in colours and sizes during their growth and they are extremely interesting insects though very predatory, these did eat some of my red cherry shrimps and will eat any small fish they can catch, luckily I did not lose any of my small fish to them.
Though larger fish may well enjoy having a feast on these damslfy nymphs :lol:
I thought larvae as soon I saw it too

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