Is My Tank Cycled?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2012
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So this morning I added my 5th dose of stability and I added a full dose of Prime to the water. Got my parameters tested at PetSmart and here are the results:
Ammonia: 0.25 PPM (Tested with Jungle test strips)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10

So is my tank fully cycled (or close to being cycled for that matter)?
you still have an ammonia reading, so no.

Just so you know, test strips are not very reliable. Liquid versions are generally much more accurate.

Are you adding an ammonia source to the tank to cycle it?
I have 4 Dalmatian Mollies because the Stability bottle said I can add fish anytime during the process (or else it wouldn't have crossed my mind to add fish)..
How long have you been cycling your tank for?
Sometimes the ammonia can be a bit troublesome so if it's over 6 weeks it might be that it's being affected by your dechlorinator or you're looking at it in a bad light.

Edited: Sorry, if you're using test strips that comment about the light doesn't make any sense. I would order an API test kit.

Edited again: Just saw your other topic. NO, YOUR TANK IS NOT CYCLED. It has been FIVE DAYS. It takes up to SIX WEEKS and won't even have begun properly yet.

I did a fish-in cycle because I knew no better (although there really is no excuse for ignorance in this day and age) and it was hard work changing the water twice a day for six weeks, and horrible to watch and wait. I was so lucky that everyone got through it and I would never ever do it again. You have already lost fish so you are obviously not doing very well at it! My advice would be take the poor fish back and do a fishless cycle.
hmmmm, I think you need a good read in the Beginners section on the cycling process. There are some great threads in there that will walk you through it - it can be quite daunting at first but have a read and then come back here with any questions you have.
You are in the middle of a fish-in cycle. The article on fish-in cycling that Zoddy mentioned can be reached from a link in my signature area. In addition to understanding what is going on, I would suggest that you get at least an ammonia test kit that uses a liquid reagent approach. Test strips are notoriously inaccurate. You might actually be cycled and just can't see it with your strips, or you might be very far from cycled and not seeing the poisonous ammonia levels involved.

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