Is My Tank Boring?

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2012
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Hull, East Yorkshire, England
I have 3 dalmation mollies and 4 plattys which are various colours, Are they just too boring? I keep looking at other fish and thinking ive made a mistake :(
No. Boring would be plastic plants and kitch ornaments.
Is that boring? Or just tasteless :p

I'm sorry, OP; how big is your tank? What other fish are taking your fancy at the moment?
Platys and mollys are great fish to start with. I think my platys are pretty goofy to watch, and watching their fry grow up is really fun. I think there will always be a cooler prettier fish everywhere you look. No wonder people end up with a ton of fish tanks in their houses :)
Enjoy your fish! Trouble with fish keeping is that theres too many fish to choose from. :)
thanks everyone :) I feel real guilty now haha they all look so cute!!! my 2 female mollies are pregnant at the moment, I really wont have a clue what to do with the fry!! haha

its 10 gallons, and to be honest no others are taking my fancy, I did fancy some corydoras but I think ill just leave it
thanks everyone :) I feel real guilty now haha they all look so cute!!! my 2 female mollies are pregnant at the moment, I really wont have a clue what to do with the fry!! haha

its 10 gallons, and to be honest no others are taking my fancy, I did fancy some corydoras but I think ill just leave it

Ah, but have you seen silver-tipped tetras, lemon tetras, penguin tetras? Exquisite little fish.
Platys and mollys are great fish to start with.
IMO you hit the nail on the head people get platys and Molly's
As starter fish (Arnt platys temperate fish ?) but then we get like kids in
A sweat shop and want what others have, as said though if you like them it's
Your choice, but if you think it's time to change then most LFS will take them in
And you can buy something different

I personally like tetras as there schooling fish and you can have a good few as most
Are not too big, and I also like cichlids and corys, well I would as there what I have ;)
Liz, fish that you choose are up to you. I love my livebearers after 50 years in the hobby. Yes, I truly am an old man. One thing you might want to consider to guide you is your tap water parameters. Hard and high pH water is great for livebearers but not so great for things like tetras. Soft and low pH water is good in general for things like tetras and angels, but not so good for livebearers. I find it best to check my tap water and then stock with fish that will thrive in it. That way water changes and other maintenance chores are not such great chores. I have only 1 of my 26 tanks where I have broken that rule. I have diluted the water in that tank with over 50% RO water. Now a simple water change on that tank is a major project because I must use the same water mix between tap and RO to avoid harming the fish in that tank. At least the other 25 are no problem. Just drain some water and refill right from the faucet.
Platys and mollies are cool children love them as when you put your finger near the tank they follow it my daughter loves doing that!
Tizer, not all of us have your prejudices. I really love my rare livebearers like Ameca splendens and my Characodon lateralis. Not everyone is limited to platies and similarly simple to keep fish. On the other hand, if you dismiss livebearers out of hand, you will never experience the great fish that I keep in my tanks. Many of my fish are either endangered or threatened fish based on the IUCN classifications. I have no particular merit as a fish keeper but by maintaining threatened and endangered species, I hope to make a difference. Can you say the same about the fish that you keep in your tanks?
I agree with the other people. If you find your fish interesting then it's irrelevant what others think. I'm not a particular fan of livebearers despite keeping guppies but I freaking love cories. If others don't like that then that's their problem. They're not rare, difficult to breed or endangered, but I find them fascinating and thats all that matters.

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