it took forever to get a decent picture... I'm not sure if the spots were there all along but they've been there for awhile. He (or she... can't really tell) has been eating normally and everything, though. Is it ich, or...? Thanks!
I think it's a male.
Spots? I can't see spots on your fish in the picture... did you just get this fish?
If it's not the pattern of the fish, I see some faded out white spots. They're slightly vissible.
Have you watched your fish swimming around? Does he do anything abnormal?
Yes, the white spots. They're hard to tell on pictures, but it's slightly more obvious in person. He doesnt do anything abnormal that I've seen, like the others he likes to poke at the decorations. But he seems to be getting fatter, his stomach drops a little lower than the others but I might be just imagining things, haha. Thanks for your responses though!
whew, thanks guys. I only feed them once a day, and it's just a litttleeee bit. I heard fasting once a week is good for fish, so I think I'll try that out