There's not really such a thing as a nitrate spike. Nitrate is what is produced when the 2nd type of bacteria eat nitrite. It basically stays in the water until you remove it by a water change, or it can be removed by (a lot of ) plants. A spike is a sudden rise from low to high - nitrate tends to build slowly and levels of higher than 20ppm are not unusual, and certainly not as harmful as even 1ppm of ammonia and nitrite.
To have no nitrate in the tank is unusual - most people have some nitrate in their tap water. A reading of 0ppm nitrate is either a tank where the cycle is not fully established or you are not using the test properly - do you have the API kit? This often gives false zero nitrate results.
The tests you need to run with an 8 week old tank are ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. In a cycled tank, with low-medium planting would be 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite and around 5-10ppm nitrate on top of the background nitrate level.
I wonder if you've confused nitrite and nitrate? The cycle goes ammonia -> nitrite -> nitrate.
Can you also tell me in detail how you cycled the tank?
With regard to salt, personally I disagree with its use - our freshwater fish do not come from environments where there is salt in the water. IN some instances, such as when treating whitespot, it has its uses, but not as regular additive, IMHO.