Is My Neon Tetra Sick?


Mostly New Member
May 21, 2014
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I my neon tetra sick? I got him at PetSmart a few days ago and my tank is fully cycled. I have 12 neons and 3 guppies in a 10 gallon.


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It looks like a plump female from that pic.
Is it swimming normally? How did you cycle the tank and have you tested the water?
I agree with fluttermoth.
They look pretty healthy to me. Females are always plump.
As long as she can maintain balance in the water and isn't turning upside down.
Welcome to the board.
I agree with the above ladies.
I would add, though, that you need to keep well and truly on top of your maintenance regime. 12 neons and 3 guppies in a ten gallon tank is somewhat overstocked, so nitrate will build up very quickly. I would say you need to be changing at least 50% weekly. Similarly, if anything does go wrong, an ammonia or nitrite spike will be a problem much quicker in your tank, so make sure you test the water regularly, at least monthly, and immediately if you spot any potential signs of trouble.
the_lock_man said:
I agree with the above ladies.
I would add, though, that you need to keep well and truly on top of your maintenance regime. 12 neons and 3 guppies in a ten gallon tank is somewhat overstocked, so nitrate will build up very quickly. I would say you need to be changing at least 50% weekly. Similarly, if anything does go wrong, an ammonia or nitrite spike will be a problem much quicker in your tank, so make sure you test the water regularly, at least monthly, and immediately if you spot any potential signs of trouble.
+1 for that. Do keep up with the water changes, and you should be fine hopefully. And nitrate can spike extremely quickly!!
It's been two weeks since I got them and there fine the fat one was just overweight. Now the guppies r pregnant and I have 12 guppy fry
glad to hear it's alright!! And congratulations on the guppy fry!!!!

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