My recently empty 10 gallon tank now houses a single dwarf puffer...very hard to find through all my plants. Anyways I've had him for about 5 days now and I've tried feeding him a few bloodworms via clear tube. Haven't seen him take notice at all, and I end up vacuuming them all up.....I even tried massively over feeding just to see if he was interested at all, and nothing! He glances at me out of the corner of his eye then sneaks into one of his caves....water params are stable, I do 20% every other day. He's a very small guy, and I'm thinking he could be full from snails? I dropped about 10 in there when I first got him. He's soooooo small though, don't know if he could tackle most of those snails. A bit worried as it has been a while and he refuses flakes, pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and I even tried putting in 10 or so baby shrimps, and he ignores them...