Is My Betta Fish Sick Or Spastic? Please Help

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May 26, 2012
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3 months ago I went to petco and I bought a veiltail male, I thought he was fine until I started reading about all these different types Of diseases, I don't know if he's bloated, or if he has swim bladder disorder, and I don't know if he has fin rot. I was checking on him and he was swimming along, lalalalaa, and then out of nowhere he fell sideways on the cone shell decoration, he looked as if he was stunned and he drifted down sideways his head was completely sideways, I thought he was dying but then he went bezerk. , it seemed like he was trying to break the tank, he went spastic or spasmic and he did that for about 10 seconds, i know he went spastic but i dont know why he went sideways, then he went back to normal, he swam fine and he didnt have any trouble staying upright. and he wasn't swimming irregularly. Then later his back, the fin back area began to go up and his head area went. down. Like if he was trying to swim down but his " bladder" won't let him, after that, he SWAM PERFECTLY, he was a normal Betta and he had no trouble swimming. I'm scared, I don't know if he's sick or not I DON'T HAVE A DIAGNOSIS FOR HIM SO I CAN'T GIVE THE RIGHT MEDICINE TO HIM, he should have a long peaceful life, I don't wanna be the reason why he passes away, PLEASE HELP!!!!!! THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION
Observe your betta very carefully over the next couple of days, though I have never heard of a spastic betta before...Although if he is eating properly,looks lively, and his tail is fanned out, I would not take any further actions. If he does have swim bladder disorder (swimming sideways, or not swimming at all constantly), I would fast him and not feed him for about 3 days. Some people suggest giving your betta a very small piece of a frozen pea, although I have not attempted this. Hope your betta heals!!!
I feed him three times a day 3 pellets everytime I feed him, is that too much?

How much should I feed him?

Thank you so much

Thank you very much alstermania
He makes bubblenests so Does that mean that he is completely healthy, he had a nest last tank change and that was 3 days ago, can he get sick in only three days?
I think that you ( alstermania ) never attempted it for the same reason I don't want to, it seems unhealthy and dangerous , right?
Many people have used peas to help clean out a Betta's intestinal tract. It is not dangerous. All that is needed is a very tiny piece.
Thanks , it was just because I read that bettas can only survive 3 days without food, so I thought it would kill him, but now I know its safe
3 days? I was Gone a week and I had no one to care for mine. They were just fine when I got back!
if you take good care of your fish an their all in good health I think they can survive up to a week without food mine have before..but Id try just feeding him 2 times a day cus feeding him 3 times seems a bit much to me but that could be just me, cus I feed mine a small pinch of food 2 times a day
On the topic of feeding, 9 pellets a day shouldn't be nescescary - a few should be fine for a betta. What food do you use? I used to give my betta 2-4 Hikari pellets daily which was enough for him.

I once had a betta who "spazzed out". He darted around the tank, hitting the sides and decor and his eye almost popped out. It was scary to say the least so if that's what's happening with your betta, I can understand your concern :unsure:
Peas are far from unhealthy and dangerous. I feed all my fish (including my betta) deshelled peas once a week to keep them from getting clogged up. They're also nutritionally beneficial.

A fish's stomach tends to only be about the size of their eye, you should really only be giving them 2-3 little pellets per feeding period, twice a day at most. He may just be clogged up from over feeding. many fish act like they're starving and will eat until they explode, but encouraging this behavior with over feeding can cause a series of issues.

At petsmart, we only feed them on fridays and tuesdays, and they're all perfectly plump and healthy (aside from the crappy jars they're kept in) so don't worry about starving your betta.
Thank you so much everyone! " pablothebetta " the answer is wardley Betta pellets, I now give him 4 pellets, I feed him at 4:00 and 8:00 2 pellets everytime, thank you for saying that you understand my concern. It really means alot. :)
Amanita m. Have you ever tried that method?

Thank you so much onidrase

Thank you so much HannahBear77

Thank you so much misssmarie
Is your betta acting any better today? I've never heard of wardleys, how large are the pellets?

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