Is It Swim Blatter?


Mostly New Member
Nov 4, 2013
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earlier today I realized one of my female guppies can't really swim very time she goes to the bottom of the and she jus floots back up too the top now I came home an she is totally up right floating around still breathing an slightly moving is this a cas of swim blatter cause she is not the first of my females to get it , can someone plz tell me how to prevent it cause this it the third female it happen to
Just saying, I think you are meaning swim bladder? Im not sure how you prevent it, but I tried feeding my tiger barb some peas and it seemed to help him a little. Hope this helps.
Personally, I had a fish get swim bladder bad (up-side down or on its side all the time for days, I was on my last hope before I euthanized him) and he's been doing great since.  I started by trying to feed him peas with the outer skin removed.  I didn't have any luck there so I began to treat with Tetra ParasiteGuard (mine wasn't growing well, looked thin, and had white stringy poop) and he began to swim a bit better but still struggled with going sideways at times.  I also added Epsom salts (100% Magnesium Sulfate, no fragrances or any other chemicals), starting at 1 tsp/10 gal and working up to 3 tsp/10 gal, and since he has gone back to swimming perfectly.  I've also heard that lowering the water level may help since there is less pressure on the swim bladder.
Swim bladder usually happens when they gulp air from the top of the tank, they can also eat air when they have food. Sometimes when there isnt much oxygen in the tank they gulp at the top. 

Peas help with swim bladder. cook some peas, peal the outer skin and wait for it to cool down. rip little bit off with your nails, then put them in the tank, they should eat little parts. It takes a while for them to realize its food. if no peas have been eaten take them out the tank after a few hours. don't feed peas more than twice a week.

Have you got plants in your tank? also have you got a air pump? id say get one if you haven't. if you cant get one, you can always move your filter near the top of the water, make sure it makes ripples on the water surface, this brings oxygen into the tank.

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