Is It Really Ready?


Mostly New Member
Jun 20, 2013
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So my tank has been cycling for about a week and a half. I went to Petco to get my water tested today and the lady said that everything was down to zero. I can't believe it. Already? I have a betta I've been waiting to upgrade into this new tank and I just want to make sure all will go well. What do you think?
How often have you added ammonia to the tank, OP? And what ppm did you have it at?
All I really do is add a lot of live plants and use old media in the tank.
I'm afraid without adding ammonia, there's no way of telling whether the old media has cycled your tank or not. The bacteria might even have died off if you haven't added any food for them
What if I add my betta and do frequent water changes?
grownocean said:
What if I add my betta and do frequent water changes?
You'd be running the risk of harming your fish if you put it in an uncycled tank.  Have a read (or two or three) of the cycling article at the top of the forum. It's the best way to ensure healthy fish.
I have read those articles. "If ammonia and nitrite both read 0 ppm, you are cycled. Do a large water change, be sure the water is the proper temperature, and add fish. The odds are this will not be the case quite this soon."
If you didn't add ammonia then you havn't even begun cycling. I recommend picking some up at Ace Hardware and following the 'Cycling a Tank' article at the top of the page :)
grownocean said:
I have read those articles. "If ammonia and nitrite both read 0 ppm, you are cycled. Do a large water change, be sure the water is the proper temperature, and add fish. The odds are this will not be the case quite this soon."
Once you have added ammonia and it's gone through the cycle from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate, yes.
If you haven't added any ammonia, then you haven't cultured any bacteria. Your water has little to no ammonia, so there's nothing for the bacteria to feed and grow on. Your fish will produce ammonia and the water will become toxic if there are no bacteria to break it down.
Since you have old media and plants, it MAY have cycled, but why risk the health of your fish?  If you dose to 3ppm and it's gone in 24 hours then you have cycled. If not, you may have been headed for trouble with your fish.
Hope you're not bothered. We just want to make sure your fish are happy ^_^
If you have any questions you'll notice at the bottom of that article there is a link to a thread on cycling questions. Someone is always happy to help :)

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