Is It Permitted For Me To Offer A Monetary Reward For Help?


Mostly New Member
Sep 2, 2016
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I read the General Rules and tried to get a hold of someone to ask but found no one available to ask. Yes, I am new here.
What I would like to know is.....Is it permitted for me to offer a reward to anyone who can offer advice that will cure my Betta?  I know this is an extremely extraordinary request. But I am very serious as my Betta is extremely ill and worsening by the day and has not much time left.
I have tried many treatments so this person needs to be an expert in the field to sorta cut-to-the-chase sorta speak.
Crazy, I know, but I'm running out of time to help him!
Thank you for this consideration.
- Jay Wellington (& Belly)
Whats the bettas tank water parameters? and a picture would help very much!
on this site, monetary reward is never necessary...if someone here is knowledgeable to offer advice and reads your concerns about your Betta, I'm sure they would not seek compensation but would offer advice.  This site is all about sharing knowledge openly and freely.
Often it may  take hours for someone to respond as this site has a worldwide audience...some knowledgeable members may presently be offline as it may be late at night where they live.
is your tank cycle fully
how long have you had the Betta
what are symptoms of illnes
do you have a test kit to check nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and ph....if not, you should aquire a kit or at least have your water tested at your local fish store.
jaywellington said:
Is it permitted for me to offer a reward to anyone who can offer advice that will cure my Betta? 
The advice and community is free. It is not appropriate to offer rewards or fees for help nor for members to charge fees. We're here to help each other and become friends not to make money. We are all volunteers. 
I believe the reason why he is offering the money is to catch people's attention because well, it's money. He obviously really wants help.
Don't worry, all our help here is free. :) (but you should consider buying my plants hehe) Just kidding. (maybe)
Ok but seriously, like I suggested in the other thread, You really should try upgrading tank size. Also maybe your FLOW is too high on the tank. What filter do you have?
My Betta's story is listed in this forum under the title "Emergency Advice Needed!" I do understand that advice is given freely, and I appreciate anyone who tries to help. But all advice I've followed in the past 2-3 months has not worked so many bits of advice given I have already tried. His story under "Emergency Advice Needed!" is very detailed and shows what I have already tried. However, my once beautiful Betta continues to worsen to the point where I think he may have TB. If anyone is successful in helping me find a resolution that cures him I would be very appreciated. 
Thank you-
- JW (& Belly)

I responded to your suggestion of a larger tank in the other post.  I told you I had a larger tank. However, he is in a temporary hospital tank with no filter at the moment which is why it is only 3 gals. This is the reason for the daily 100% water changes. So if there is no ammonia in a 100% daily water change, do you still think it is ammonia poisoning? (I will reiterate this is the actual post as not to have two different conversations going. Please reply there.
Thank you, CW.
- JW (& Belly)
I understand. This is why I asked first before offering. I actually tried to contact you via message to ask that way initially, but could not see how to do it as I am new to this forum.
I am looking for someone who is willing to read his lengthy history under the title "Emergency Advice Needed!"and can give expert advice. If you read it, you will see that I have tried many treatments. If there is anyone you know who could help, could you please let me know.

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