Is He Dying

Dr. Zoidberg

New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Reaction score
Cork Ireland
Just asking if my Cat Fish is dying he seems to be very very thin only skin and bones he is an algea eater but he seems to be in his ship all the time now :sick: Sad
Just asking if my Cat Fish is dying he seems to be very very thin only skin and bones he is an algea eater but he seems to be in his ship all the time now :sick: Sad
Did you feed him algae wafers and such? Or try cucumbers? If he refuses to eat (and do not expect him to only much on algae on the tank), it might be a parasite or something.
What kind of catfish is he, have you been feeding him or just expecting him to feed on any algae in your tank?
He needs more than goldfish food & a few flakes.
You need to get some sinking wafers for him
No just fed him goldfish food and some flakes :rip: :byebye:

Well If i had Known that sooner he might not be dead now and what the hell are sinking waters anyway; by the way when we got him first he killed every thing in the tank, including 3 Angels and a few more that were introduced into the tank; he was alone for about a year By the way I'm answering 2 Cazgar
No just fed him goldfish food and some flakes :rip: :byebye:

Well If i had Known that sooner he might not be dead now and what the hell are sinking waters anyway; by the way when we got him first he killed every thing in the tank, including 3 Angels and a few more that were introduced into the tank; he was alone for about a year By the way I'm answering 2 Cazgar
You should have given him algae wafers (some vegetable stuff) and cucumber and such. No wonder he ate all the fish, he was starving.
Plecos are supposed to be vegetarians. If they starve, they eat meat but not fish food or rarely do that. Meat harms their stomach though.
No just fed him goldfish food and some flakes :rip: :byebye:

Well If i had Known that sooner he might not be dead now and what the hell are sinking waters anyway; by the way when we got him first he killed every thing in the tank, including 3 Angels and a few more that were introduced into the tank; he was alone for about a year By the way I'm answering 2 Cazgar

Any book on tropical fish or a quick Google would have told you this. In future make sure you research your fish before you buy them, it you could end up with a lot more sad stories like this one :(

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