Internal Filter


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2002
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I have a Juwel 120 litre (26 galls) tank with a built in filter. I have just fitted a Fluval 204 external filter as the internal seems to struggle to keep the water clear. What I would like to know is how long will it take for the nitrifying bacteria to establish themselves in the new filter? The tank has been set up about 18 months. I am also concidering removing the internal filter once the external is established, as it would be nice to have a little extra space. It appears the internal filter is secured in place by a few dabs of silicone and I was wondering how difficult it would be to remove with the fish still in place. Any thoughts gratefully accepted.
I cant comment on the colonising issue but, the two filters would give you better water and allow more fish (possibly) if you wanted them; Depends on the capacity of the fluval. When i had to remove the filter from my rekord 96 a stanly knife (craft knife or razor blade would work) did the job. Its not real solid stuff and a little slicing will break thru it easily. mind your fingers though.
it is too late now as the bacteria in your old filter has died off, but you could have run both filters at least short term (a few weeks) while your new filter builds the bacteria. keep a close eye on your water parameters now as you tank will most likely go through a mini cycle (hopefully only a week or 2) but that is only providing the tank was fully cycled to begin with.
>>>I am also concidering removing the internal filter once the external is established,<<<
Read it again Tanked :D :D :D :D
The bacteria colony depends on the load being placed on it - yours will be spread between the two filters......

.....when you remove the internal you are going to be removing a large portion of this colony so feed sparingly for several days to allow the colony in the exteral to adjust... :)


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