I believe so, yes. (Thanks for the correction on the dosage, I couldn't remember it.)
The important thing is not to shock them by removing it too quickly. You are going to want to just stop replacing it during each water change. A 10% water change would be the highest I'd go with the water change and not replace the salt, as more than that will change the salinity more than you want. Also, refill the tank slowly - to give them even a bit more time to acclimate to the lower salinity.
You'll be at 100% (meaning max) concentration currently.
10% change will mean that you'll be at 90%.
Another 10% will mean that you'll be at 81%.
Another 10% will mean that you'll be at 72%.
Another 10% will mean that you'll be at 63%.
After that, I'd do a 20% change to lower it to 50%.
Another 20% change will lower it to 40%.
Then, 25% change will lower it to 30%. From here, you'll be fine to continue your 25% weekly changes without worrying about dropping the salinity too fast.
So, it will take about 2 months before the salinity is down low enough to not worry about it.