Interested In Setting Up A Small Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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Im throwing round an idea about getting a Betta only tank, and I was wondering if I could get a few questions answered;

- Would a 5 gallon tank be big enough?
- Where in the UK can I get hold of a cheap tank?
- Can I keep the tank unfiltered, and if so how often would water changes need to be done?

Ideally i'd like to keep it unfiltered + use LED lighting as to save on electricity bills (my mum only just let me setup my 29 gallon so I dont think she'd be happy about adding another to the bill) however I guess I could run a small filter if needs be.
- Would a 5 gallon tank be big enough?-Yes
- Where in the UK can I get hold of a cheap tank?-,,
- Can I keep the tank unfiltered, and if so how often would water changes need to be done?-No, it needs to be filtered, cycled and heated. If you still decide not to filter it, then you'd need to change 80% of the water daily!!! So why not filter it? A filter of that size would probably use just a few Watts-like 4-6W which is using 15 times less electricity than a 60W bulb to light your room!!! Electiricy for the tank filter is going to be ridiculously cheap, almost unnoticable.
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- Would a 5 gallon tank be big enough?-Yes
- Where in the UK can I get hold of a cheap tank?-,,
- Can I keep the tank unfiltered, and if so how often would water changes need to be done?-No, it needs to be filtered, cycled and heated. If you still decide not to filter it, then you'd need to change 80% of the water daily!!! So why not filter it? A filter of that size would probably use just a few Watts-like 4-6W which is using 15 times less electricity than a 60W bulb to light your room!!! Electiricy for the tank filter is going to be ridiculously cheap, almost unnoticable.

Thanks :) now I just need to find somewhere to put one :p
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OT, but your current tank looks great

Good luck with your betta!

Thanks :)

Ive actual gone and got a Betta for that tank instead of setting a new one up, I put my pearl gourami in my parents tank and it seems to like it much more. My betta:


He doesnt seem to mind my other fish and apart from my Pentazona barbs taking an interest every now and again my other fish dont seem to bother him either.

The only problem im experiencing so far is he keeps flaring at his reflection in the glass, at either side and the front. I dont really know how I could stop him seeing it as the glass reflects quite a bit, is this something he will stop doing once he is settled or is there something I can do?
Nice betta :D he looks just like my Maedhros - or rather, he looks like Maedhros would if he hadn't developed fin rot :(

As far as flaring goes, Maedhros is funny - sometimes he'll spend a whole day sparring with his reflection, other times he'll just hang out in the plants. I suppose it depends what mood he's in. I wouldn't worry unless your fish (does he have a name?) starts showing signs of stress.
Nice betta
he looks just like my Maedhros - or rather, he looks like Maedhros would if he hadn't developed fin rot

As far as flaring goes, Maedhros is funny - sometimes he'll spend a whole day sparring with his reflection, other times he'll just hang out in the plants. I suppose it depends what mood he's in. I wouldn't worry unless your fish (does he have a name?) starts showing signs of stress.

Thanks, I love him :p They had 3 red ones which all looked nice, but this one followed my finger around and generally seemed calmer than the others which seemed quite agitated to me.

Sorry to hear about your fin rot problem, I would would be gutted if that happened to mine.

As long at it isnt hurting him, he doesnt seem stressed anyway. He doesnt have a name atm, to be honest im not really one to name fish (no matter how beautiful they are :p)

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