Inactive fishies


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I bought my first ever fishies home yesterday! 2 white mollies, 2 gold mollies and one male swordtail. The white mollies and the swordtail are doing fine, zipping about all over the place, playing in the bubble wall, playing tag. The two gold mollies aren't so happy :unsure: . One is really small, she was fine yesterday, the other was very stressed but settled down (have since realised he has a back deformity or something - he is S shaped when viewed from the top). today the two gold mollies are hovering near the gravel in a corner and won't do anything! They are right under the CO2 diffuser! Are they just settling in, or are they getting drugged up by the CO2? Should i take it out? Help please, don't want to kill my new babies!

Sarah :/
Mollies somtimes take a few days to settle in and relax in a new tank I'd give them a few more days to get agusted mine to about a week after I brought them home.

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