Hi, for the last few days I've been treating my tank after a bout of white spot ( http
/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/418514-treating-ich-in-a-tank-with-scaleless-fish/ ). I believe the issue came after I introduced a Bristlenose Catfish into the the tank without quarantining, which was picked up on straight away in my original topic.
Now as I don't have the space to set up a QT tank my question is is there a way to QT 'in-tank' without affecting the existing fish after adding new fish? For example anything I can buy which I can dose without changing the tank conditions (temperature etc)?
Any hints and tips would be appreciated as I imagine their will be experienced fish keepers in the same space-constricted situation as I am.

Now as I don't have the space to set up a QT tank my question is is there a way to QT 'in-tank' without affecting the existing fish after adding new fish? For example anything I can buy which I can dose without changing the tank conditions (temperature etc)?
Any hints and tips would be appreciated as I imagine their will be experienced fish keepers in the same space-constricted situation as I am.