Impossible To Feed Shrimp, They're Starving!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2014
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I have these sinker pellets which are too big for my neon tetra's to eat but my new Lemon Tetra's eat them whole!
They never even reach the bottom so the shrimp don't have a chance,
Any ideas?
Shrimps should be fine, they eat tiny micro foods off plants and algae. As well as eating particles of leftover fish food.
Crush up half an algae wafer, shrimps should get some when they sink to bottom of tank.
crush up the pellets and put more in they should be fine with that
If i crush them up then the neon tetra will just eat them
put enough in so they won't get them i have same issue, i have 20 CPD's and 15 rasboras u just got to put enough food in for it to sink
What shrimp are we talking about? I keep cherries in a community, they rarely get a chance to eat the fish food either but they do eat pieces of cucumber I put in for the plec and snails, nori sheets, and wafers as they are all too big for the fish to eat whole plus they are largely ignored, also as others have mentioned they will eat tiny particles of algae and what not 
feeding them at night will also help them get the food.
They'll more than likely be eating something! I had this problem when I first had shrimp, but they graze on anything and everything. If you have any mosses in there they are sorted as they will find a great deal to eat on there.
They don't need active feeding every day, maybe a coupla times a week at most.
As long as you can see them picking up stuff and transferring it  to their mouths they'll be fine.
Adding a couple of moss balls may help as well.
I sometimes like to feed my shrimp blanched vegetables or a dry spagghetti noodle in the tank.
That way, they get what they need!
I think someone on this forum taught me the cool trick of buying long tooth picks, blanching a slice of cucumber, and skewering the cucumber on the toothpick. Then lodge the bottom of the toothpick in the substrate so that the cucumber looks like a toadstool. The shrimp will be all over it.
A lot of the reputable sites I've visited say let the shrimp live off the biofilm for the majority of the time and feed "shrimp" foods only once a week max. I have several types of shrimp food that have been ignored in favour of biofilm in the tank and on mosses etc.

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