I'm New Here


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Jun 15, 2012
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Hi, I'm 16 years old and somebody gave me a betta, then, I had to buy an aquarium.

Now I have the fish in a tupperware, I change the 50% of the water every two days.

I'm Waiting 30 days because the water in the aquarium isn't Prepared yet

I think I can put there these animals, can I?

Betta splendeni: 1
planorbi: 3
Cambarellus patzcuarensis, Cambarellus montezumae or Cambarellus Diminutue: 2
beaufortia kweichowensis: 1
Neocardina heteropoda: 5

The aquarim is 35x25x25

Hi Milden, :hi: to the forum.

Put your fish in the big tank now. He'll be far better in there with a filter even though it's not cycled, than in the tupperware. You need to get some test kits for ammonia and nitrite ASAP, until then change nearly all the water (leaving just enough for your fish to swim upright) every day, making sure the new water is temperature matched and dechlorinated. Make sure you get liquid or table based tests, not the paper strip ones; they're not very accurate.

This is what's called a 'fish-in cycle' and there's a really good article about it in our 'beginner's resource centre (the link for that is in my sig) that you might want to have a look at.
I'm a little confused...

Can I put the fish before cycle?

But...Then I have to change the water!!

And bacteriums die!!!

How can I cycle the water if I do it?
Well, the tupperware isn't cycled either, is it?

So you'll have to be changing the water at least once a day in that anyway, so you might as well put your fish in the bigger tank now.

You might need to turn the filter around, or put a piece of filter floss or sponge over the outlet, as it looks like it might be a bit strong for a betta.

The bacteria won't die unless you let them dry out or starve (ie not feed them ammonia). If you're not adding a source of ammonia to your tank it won't cycle anyway, just being left to run.

You don't cycle water, or tanks for that matter, you cycle filter media (that's all the sponge or ceramic rings or whatever is in your filter).
If you're not adding a source of ammonia to your tank it won't cycle anyway, just being left to run.

I'm putting fish food

But...bacteriums live in the water too...if I change it...I'm killing them...And it won't be cycled
No, the bacteria you want don't live in the water, they stick to whatever's in your filter.

If you don't change the water, the ammonia from the fish's poo will build up in the water and kill him.

Trust me your fish will be better off in the bigger tank, and you'll have to change water every day, where ever he is.
No, the bacteria you want don't live in the water, they stick to whatever's in your filter.

If you don't change the water, the ammonia from the fish's poo will build up in the water and kill him.

Trust me your fish will be better off in the bigger tank, and you'll have to change water every day, where ever he is.

Now the filter is less strong...and there is the betta:

His name is Dado

Thanke forum for helpme.

I have done a video and Now the the filter is less leeeeess strong.

Hi again, thanks for helping that time.
I'm here because I have a new aquarium (two, actually), the first has 63L(60x30x35) and I have two ramirezi and 6 corys, and an ancistrus there, and the second one is a 90L (80x35x30) aquarium, the first is already cyclated, the seconds isn't, I'm going to start today with that.
The betta is still alive, But I gave it as a present to a friend ^^
I'm going to put cherrys in the aquarium where were the betta.
It's all, I think.
Gave away a betta! Are you left handed or something?

Welcome to the forum.

P.S. the lefthanded comment is a private joke with my wife.
Changing the water does not remove the bacteria, and if you want to cycle with a fish, it's not recommended however, sometimes you must do things, and put it in the tank do a 30-50% daily water change, and use prime daily. I actually think you did the right thing giving it away assuming your friend can take care of it as your tank wasn't fully ready. Best of luck!

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