Im New And Need Help !


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
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I have had my tank about 2months firstly with just 2gold fish, 1got ill and sadly died so i checked with the shop it was ok 2 put my other goldfish with tropical, 2months on i have 2 clown loache 3 Molly's 2 slender rainbows a sucker which i dont no the name of and the gold fish, its a 40gl tank and they have all been fine until now... The 2 clown loache have white spots 1 is super skinny and hides behind and under the rocks the other is swimming around crazy doin flips and alsorts! 3 days ago i asked in the fish store they said to add salt which i did, the white spots got better but not fully cleared, so i went back and got some white spot itch medicine which i started yesterday nothings really changed if anything 1 of the clown loache has gone crazier darting everywhere and the other is still super skinny and hiding!
The other fish seem fine, the temp is 28c
Do i need a bigger tank maybe there crowded?
The probs with the clown loach is that they are hypersensitive to most whitespot medication, you need to use a half dose. IIRC, they aren't tolerant of salt at all, so they won't be thanking you for that. And they will be stressed because they are a shoaling species, and need to be in a group of 6., And they ultimately need a bigger tank. Apart from that.......
The goldfish is not ok in tropical water, it's a coldwater species, its lifespan will be considerably shortened by living in tropical temperatures. And they need a bigger tank than a 40gal.
It'd be interesting to know what type of sucker you have, there may be issues there too. A lot of suckermouth fish need a bigger tank than 40gal. In fairness there are also plenty that are fine in that size, but you'd be best knowing one way or t'other.
Sorry, but you've got quite a few issues going on there.
So my first thing would be to get a bigger tank? Then concentrate on sorting the fish's health? I really dont no what to do my pet shop is rubbish and they all tell me different things!
Can my gold fish go in a pond?
I have the time for these fish i just need to learn more!
Don't worry, we've all been beginners.
The best place for a goldy is a pond, if you can let him or her live in a pond, that would be the best thing in the long term.
I would suggest sorting the whitespot first, then consider what you've got - it may well be that you don't have the space for a tank big enough for a shoal of clown loach and large suckermouth. It might be better to return those fish, and concentrate on the mollies and other similarly sized fish.
Clown Loaches grow rather slowly, so for a few months they should be okay, but seriously consider re homing them
As for the sucker fish, get a picture of it up here and we'll help you figure out what kind it is.
A 40 gal tank is a fair sized one and you could do a lot of things with it. But the fish you have are too large for it.
Concentrate on getting your fish healthy before worrying about a bigger tank, it would be just your luck if you spent the money on the tank and then they all died from stress related illnesses due to ta tank move and a lack of cycling in the new tank. 
So get all your fish well, then rehome the loaches, find a pond for your goldie and identify your sucker fish. 
Thanks guys, just tried to upload picture but its not letting me, the sucker is a pleco??? If iv spelt that right.
I have just been to a aquatics store to look 4 a bigger tank as i dont want to re home i love my fish!
I have 1 more day of treatment so will see how they doing after 2mo in the mean while im going to set up a larger tank 3foot long 18" high the guy in the aquatics shop was very helpful and also said to lose the goldy its not good for him.
The guy from the aquatics store said to wait 3/4 weeks before adding more clown loache 2 the ones i already have??
Really need a positive ID on the plec. Some are nice teeny-weeny ickle fishies, others are tank-busting monsters (quite literally). The clown loaches really needs something in the order of 6' long - do you have the room and the money for a tank that size?
The sucker i think is going to be a monster! He's about 4inch long including tail at the min arhhhhh i want to scream! Why has the stupid fish shop allowed me to have these fish knowing the size tank i have??? Im so angry!
I have the money for the tank just not the space! And as im new to the fish game i wanted to work my way up!
TiamaRIA84 said:
The sucker i think is going to be a monster! He's about 4inch long including tail at the min arhhhhh i want to scream! Why has the stupid fish shop allowed me to have these fish knowing the size tank i have??? Im so angry! I have the money for the tank just not the space! And as im new to the fish game i wanted to work my way up!
Unfortunately, it's impossible to be an expert in every single area of fishkeeping.
The beauty of this forum is that you have so many different people, with different areas of experience. I can give you (what I consider) excellent stocking plans on anything up to 20-25gallon tanks. Go much further above that, and I'm lost. The guy in the fish shop has to be able to speak authoratitively about everything, and unfortunately, it seems with you, he's outside his zone of experience. But hey, he's made his profit out of you, so that's ok.
I would say a 40gal is a great place to start in the hobby, it would be better, long term, to keep the tank, and stock it properly, rather than investing in a tank you don't have room for. Stick up a photo of that plec, and someone will give a positive ID - then we decide whether it needs to be rehomed. Definitely take the clown loach back. Get the goldy into a pond. Then get some proper mates for the mollies.

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