Im Going To Get Tooo Many Fry


Mostly New Member
Jan 1, 2014
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my big tank has wag tail platy fry (spotted 7-10) at the moment guppy fry in a day or too and by the looks guppy and platy fry in 2-3weeks time and i dont want to get over run, what i would like is a peaceful community fish that will eat the fry but not my other fish the tank is lightly planted
- 2 java ferns
- 1 giant vallisneria
- 1 small grass plant
the main reason i think there doing well is the large gravel in the tank (2 week old fry can still hide in it) but i dont want to change the gravel yet because in the future i have plants to turn this tank into a planted tank but at the moment in still in the planing stages, any ideas?
- 3 guppy
- 5 platy + fry
- 1 cory cat (mother of the tank)
- plans for danioor tetra and a treio of gourami
you think you have it bad i have currently in my main tank 8 pregnant guppies and im sure i saw some cory eggs the other day 
How big is the tank as that will dictate what fish you could add as well as whether your water is hard or soft
Tbh whatever fish you get some fry will survive & bearing in mind they can drop fry every 4/5 weeks you'll still end up with more than you have room for, the only way for that not to happen is to keep males only
Btw, corys should be kept in groups of 6+ & preferably on sand
If your tank is at least 40 gallons you could keep a firemouth cichlid. It will happily snack on any fry it can find and it is a fish that will happily live in the same water parameters as guppies and platies.
Don't get a pair or you will have THEM breeding instead, and when they breed they are terrifying. I had three and when two paired up and started breeding they killed the third, they killed all of my rasboras, nearly all of my ottos and many of my kuhli loaches.
the tank is a 120l 31us gallon
i know about the cory she is a survivor from a tank thats being changed to a planted and she was being picked on by a loach she she is happy
i dont want to get a betta as this tank was my bf's christmas presant and he realy wants gourami
Ok, it's official, I shouldn't gauge anything in gallons, I just can't mentally picture them.
Your tank will be just fine for a firemouth. A firemouth will also coexist peacefully with a gourami.
I would have thought a gourami (perhaps not one of the dwarf breeds) would eat fry.
My peacock gudgeons are the fry eaters in my tanks.
  A trio would fit in your tank. But I would get some friends for your cory, at least 5 more.
i like the look of peacock gudgeons (pair of females) with have a look at local shops to see if i can get any around here
  They are cuties. Every time I approach the tank they swim up the side to catch my attention.

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