my big tank has wag tail platy fry (spotted 7-10) at the moment guppy fry in a day or too and by the looks guppy and platy fry in 2-3weeks time and i dont want to get over run, what i would like is a peaceful community fish that will eat the fry but not my other fish the tank is lightly planted
- 2 java ferns
- 1 giant vallisneria
- 1 small grass plant
the main reason i think there doing well is the large gravel in the tank (2 week old fry can still hide in it) but i dont want to change the gravel yet because in the future i have plants to turn this tank into a planted tank but at the moment in still in the planing stages, any ideas?
- 3 guppy
- 5 platy + fry
- 1 cory cat (mother of the tank)
- plans for danioor tetra and a treio of gourami
- 2 java ferns
- 1 giant vallisneria
- 1 small grass plant
the main reason i think there doing well is the large gravel in the tank (2 week old fry can still hide in it) but i dont want to change the gravel yet because in the future i have plants to turn this tank into a planted tank but at the moment in still in the planing stages, any ideas?
- 3 guppy
- 5 platy + fry
- 1 cory cat (mother of the tank)
- plans for danioor tetra and a treio of gourami