Ill Oscar


New Member
Jun 7, 2009
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hi all i have a oscar thats not very well i noticed the other day that he is not eating and laying on the floor so i did water change and checked water level and all fine now i see he was having a prolapse pushing something out of his bum and and at night he goes mad and tries to jump out of the tank any help please as i dont want to lose him and i can only get to the pet shop tomorrow afternoon i have seen tetra parasite guard on the net that kill parasite internal and external any help or advice would be great thanks
How many gallons is the tank please?
How many fish and which type?
Can you please post your water stats please. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Can you please describe what you see coming out of his bottom?
Does the anus look enlarged, or red and inflamed?
Does the fish look bloated, or thin, sunken in belly?
Have you noticed recently what colour his waste was?
What do you feed your fish?
Does he look pale or darker in colour?
Can he maintain balance in the water?
Is he leaning to one side when resting?
hi nitrite is 0 nitrate is 10 ammonia 0 and ph is about 6.5 . my fish are tiger oscar and a ruby shark my tank is 300L the anus is not red or inflamed he does look thin as he has not been eating only a few live shrimp last week and he leans to one side when resting but when he swims he leans to one side some times, he does look pale some.times and the thing coming out of his bottom is red and looks like a ball i dont no wot his poo is like as not seen any for a while and i feed him river shrimp dry and live ones bloodworm and tetra sticks and hikari cichlid gold
Does the fish having any pitting in the head region, or lateral line.
Like tiny pencil indentations.

Sounds like a prolapse.
For now I would isolate him and try a internal bacteria medication.
If he recovers I would think about worming your fish.

Don't over feed dried foods as they can lead to constipation, swim bladder problems. Always soak there dried foods in tank water before feeding.
Never kept oscars so not to sure on there diet needs. maybe try feed some garden peas. The peas flush the fish throw if there suffering from constipation.
Also try soaking his dried foods in garlic juice to stimulate his appetite, and boost his immune system.

Keep an eye on your other fish when the go to the toilet. For long stringy white poo.
ok thanks can you recommend any good medication
There is a fairly good medication you can buy furanol 2 by JBL. It wipes the good bacteria out in your filter, so I would only use the medication in isolation.

Anti internal bacteria med by Interpet. Only effective on mild bacteria infections. Instructions says it doesn't harm filter bacteria. But it does cause ammonia to raise slightly.

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