If Money Was No Issue


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
if money was no issue what would your dream tank / set up be (and i mean realistic, not some 50ft by 50ft etc)

personally id like 2 tanks, 5 x 3 x 2 and a 8 x 3 x 2. stocking wise, discus, plecos, angels, and of course a betta :)
if money was no issue what would your dream tank / set up be (and i mean realistic, not some 50ft by 50ft etc)

personally id like 2 tanks, 5 x 3 x 2 and a 8 x 3 x 2. stocking wise, discus, plecos, angels, and of course a betta :)

Like maybe a 200-250g mixed reef, nice and shallow, with Metal Halides, supplemented with LED strips for color pop at night. Large polyp stony coral dominated, I love acan corals, I can imagine stretches of acans, the colors would be intense and beautiful. I'd do small polyp stony corals too and zoanthids. The tank would pop with color. I'd love to see if I can get frags of high end zoanthids to grow them to become full colonies. For stocking, I'd go unusual, and just have a school of Reef chromis (the blue color is so bold) and maybe a few other trios of flasher and/or fairy wrasses. I'm not a huge fan of large, bulky fish, never have been. Or go very elegant and just have a school of banggai cardinals. But they are more boring than chromis.

if money was no issue!? where do i begin...

first i'd have a 200 gallon tank with a hawaiian dragon moray eel, hands down one of the most beautiful morays i've seen.

then I'd have a 265 gallon FW planted with full LED lighting and some discuss fish in it.

and to top it off, i'd do an 800 gallon reef tank... again, full LED lighting, big sump, top of the line skimmer, ATO, dosing pumps, vortex powerheads, etc... basically make it my dream tank. All the best corals, beautiful tangs, anthias, etc...

oh and of course i'd have it all setup for easy maintanence :D
I'd have a 10ft long 5ft tall 5Ft deep and have it bottom to top live rock so I could recreate a reef drop off with a huge mix of fish inverts and corals :drool:

( all filteration in a back room inc automatic water changes)

I wouldn't know we're to start lol, but I know I'd get something huge!!!
I'd get a 3'x3' section tank in a U shape around the living room, and fill it with more or less what I have in my current 400 litre tank, only more: large shoal of rummynoses, large shoal of cardinals, a few bristlenoses, lots of rams, lots of corys and lots of discus, maybe also a few hatchet fish.

If I still lived in the old house though, I'd go for something like 5'x5'x20' in the basement.
Oh... I loved that place...
I'd get a 3'x3' section tank in a U shape around the living room, and fill it with more or less what I have in my current 400 litre tank, only more: large shoal of rummynoses, large shoal of cardinals, a few bristlenoses, lots of rams, lots of corys and lots of discus, maybe also a few hatchet fish.

If I still lived in the old house though, I'd go for something like 5'x5'x20' in the basement.
Oh... I loved that place...

+1.. i've spent many an hour sitting here to the side of my tank wondering what i would do. I would have a 10 foot by 5 foot, 20 inch high tank..full sump filtration, built onto a block and concrete base and support. Lighting would be all suspended, allowing the tank to be completely open. I would, as Zante said, stock it with similiar and same fish as my current stocking, but in their scores and possibly hundreds.
One day...one day.

and to top it off, i'd do an 800 gallon reef tank... again, full LED lighting, big sump, top of the line skimmer, ATO, dosing pumps, vortex powerheads, etc... basically make it my dream tank. All the best corals, beautiful tangs, anthias, etc...

oh and of course i'd have it all setup for easy maintanence :D

Here is your dream tank right there Mr.Tan ;)


I remember seeing a video of the room behind that tank, but I can't find it now...everything is automated, it's crazy.
Something huge with hundreds of tetras, guppies, mollies, platties, kuhli loaches, cherry shrimp. loaded with different plants and drift wood and lava rock through out it. I would make a tree out of the drift wood and put moss on it for leaves and have a field made out some grass like moss or algae.
If money wasn't an issue, I'd then face the issue of space. Currently I have a 3 foot one (or around that mark, 85 cm) but not too tall (probably better for the catfish that likes to come up for air every now and then).

I'd probably cover the whole table with a tank, because that table could fit a second tank that looks like my current one. So that would be an 85 x 60 x 60 cm long tank, current is 85x30x30 cm long.

I WANT, I WANT, I WANT!!! :hyper:
A fluval edge. Ahh if only.

That or large reef and tropical. One tank just won't cut it.

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