If Hose Is Way Too Long Will It Siphon? Python Vs Marina Aquavac 25 Ft

Canadian Fish

Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2012
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I am in the process of comparing python vacuums with Marina Aquavac vacuums right now. I currently have 2 x 55 gallon tanks, one 35 and one 20, and I do it all with buckets. It's a lot of buckets. Takes my wife and I an hour to an hour and a half once a week. We'll have a 220 gallon tank soon so the buckets have to go.

The thing about the Python (I've heard the Marina Aquavac is actually sturdier) is 3 of the 5 tanks are within 25 foot range, one is right on the cusp, and one needs about 6 more feet. I'm hoping I can extend it with a short hose because I really don't want to buy a 50 footer when 4 of my 5 tanks are 25 feet from the tap or less.

I'm worried the 50 footer might be too long, as for most of the tanks there will be 30 extra feet coiled on the ground. Will it still siphon with all that excess hose?
They make them 125ft or so at their longest so yes, if your tank is 30 feet from the tap but you use a 50 ft it will work it will just take "longer"
i have a 50 foot hose that hooks up to my sink and it works perfectly for me and my tanks are anywhere from 8 feet to 30 feet from the sink. so a 50 foot one should work just fine.
My tap only seems to have around 1/4" of threading. Is that enough? Doesn't seem like much.
that should be enough i am not sure though. my tap actually does not work with the hose set-up i bought i had to make a few modifcations to get it to fit on my tap.Mine does leak but it works really good still.
i took my tap apart(its just a normal kitchen one) and then treated it like a puzzle until i was able to get my hose hooked up. i ended up taking out all the inside pieces and i just stick my hose connector onto the sink as it won't thread on. it's just being held on by a piece of rubber on the ohse. i can't turn my sink on all the way or else it pushes the hose off the tap

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