working left from right,
hair grass , wisteria or Indian fern (looks similar) , vaills , pass (looks like ludwigia) no clue what the first one in the second photo maybe rotala of some type. the second looks a little like elodea, although could be star grass, cant tell from the pic 3rd one cant tell from pic, sword of sometype? 4th pennywort 5th is a rotala 6th bacopa the last one looks like a crypt its hard to tell though
hair grass, plant in clumps, likes mid light and co2 (i find it a pain to grow)
indian fern is easy to grow, plant in substrate from the base, or let it float
vaills, plant in substrate by the roots, it will either love you or hate you
ludwigia if it is, is easy to grow iv had that plant before when i first started, it took over
all the other stem plants (ones with a lot of leaves) on a long stem like ludwigia, pull off a few of the bottem leaves and stick them in the substrate, they should root most of these plants are easy to grow, you shouldn't have a problem