Ideas Please.........


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2012
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hi all

new to the planted side and would like some advice please.

I have a 180 l tank which has moss balls, sand sub and driftwood. I have already managed to successfully grow vallis and im looking for some other options to go in my tank.

I would like something to complement my tank. im not using co2 but adding flourish every water change. I like the look of crypt and anubas but I don't like any Java, and don't want to attach the plants to wood, rock etc.


the vallis has thickened up since I took this. it is now as wide as the wood in front and iv let it grow so it bends at the top of tank in water flow towards the right.

Crypts and Anubias??? lol

Anubias Coffeefolia? Nice big Anubias that would suit your tank.
Hygrophila Polysperma? The anubias you mentioned liking does need attaching to wood - but might look nice in there. Some crypts around the wood decor might do well :good:
Coffeefolia would be worth it tho, beautiful plant and one would look great on the wood too the left. :)
thanks. I have looked at Anubias Coffeefolia, and I like that. how would I attach it to the wood? and would one be enough?
what do think of Amazon sword/Echinodorus amazonicus?


just took this. not great quality but gives u an idea.
You can attach Anubias with cotton or fishing line

I'd say crypts there my favourite plant as they seem to grow really well when settled (they can melt when first introduced tho mine never did)I've got crypts in my little tank now that have come from ones that a bought over a year ago and there still going strong

Bae :good:
Or take the wood out and use a few dots of superglue on the roots to attach to the wood, Amazon Swords are great too, easy to care for but do melt back when first added.

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