Mostly New Member
I've got a spare tank which I want to set up as a tropical tank and looking for some advice and suggestions
I've had cold water fish for years - from gold fish, to tank busting catfish (which I've still got one of until he makes his trip to a new home). I'm currently looking after a small tank with 1 male betta and 1 cory - another cory is in a hospital tank at the moment.
So I've got my spare 90cm L x 30cm W x 45cm H (108 litre/28US gal when full) tank, and I'll be using a Fluval U4 pump, which is good for up to over 200 litre tank - I'd put it on the underwater spray bar option as the flow is very strong out the other outlets. Got a hood, light, moonlight, timers, air stones, heater, and about 5 pieces of bogwood - only thing I don't have at the mo is a stand!
I'm thinking sand rather than gravel, or a very small gravel? The tank will house the betta and the cory, and hopefully the ill cory if he gets better, as well as a number of other corys! I'm also thinking something like a shoal of mid-water barbs or so. I'd love a small pleco catfish or other small catfish.
So any thoughts on substrate (any additives) and who would make a nice addition to community tank to keep betta and cory happy? What sorts of plants would suit this sort of setup?
So I've got my spare 90cm L x 30cm W x 45cm H (108 litre/28US gal when full) tank, and I'll be using a Fluval U4 pump, which is good for up to over 200 litre tank - I'd put it on the underwater spray bar option as the flow is very strong out the other outlets. Got a hood, light, moonlight, timers, air stones, heater, and about 5 pieces of bogwood - only thing I don't have at the mo is a stand!
I'm thinking sand rather than gravel, or a very small gravel? The tank will house the betta and the cory, and hopefully the ill cory if he gets better, as well as a number of other corys! I'm also thinking something like a shoal of mid-water barbs or so. I'd love a small pleco catfish or other small catfish.
So any thoughts on substrate (any additives) and who would make a nice addition to community tank to keep betta and cory happy? What sorts of plants would suit this sort of setup?