Ideas For Community Tank


Mostly New Member
Jan 12, 2014
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So I started a new community tank, freshwater tropical. I have a tiger Oscar, some tiger barbs, a BGK, and a silver striped Angel. They all do very well together, and will be moved into larger tanks when necessary. Currently in a 75 gallon. 
Any other ideas for tank mates?
Maybe some bichirs for the bottom?
You seem to be going for a larger fish tank. I would suggest a Pleco, maybe some silver dollars.
Ninjouzata said:
Maybe some bichirs for the bottom?
are they agressive? so far i have lucked out and had no problems, but i think im gonna take everyones advice and possibly move the oscar out of the tank, even though i have never had problems, everyones got me paranoid, lol
From all I've read it seems that if a fish will fit in their mouth it's going to go there. Long flowing fins may be nipped. Other than that I'm not sure. >.< Havn't had any myself yet.
So as of this morning i have 5 tiger barbs instead of 6, looks like oscar will be moving into a new home by himself for a while. I might just start another tank with one more oscar. Ill keep everyone updated.
Aw, are you sure he ate it and it didn't jump out or is doing an especially good job at hiding? Just checking, but I am really sorry for your loss 
Sorry For the delay, So i purchased a 20 gallon long tank for oscar for now, he is definatly attacking everything but the ghost knife, im gonna keep him with another oscar and a pleco. 
So now i can put my kuhli loaches in the big tank with everyone and i have a clown loach and a pleco on the way! 
thank you all 
You're going to want a ~150g tank for two oscars, and ofcourse good filtration as they're messy as are plecs. What kind of plec is it btw?
I imagine khuli loaches may eventually be spaghetti for the BGK but not sure.
Clown loaches need a 6ft tank minimum, and should be kept in groups of 6+.
I imagine you know most of that but if not I wanted to make sure you did. :)
Ninjouzata said:
You're going to want a ~150g tank for two oscars, and ofcourse good filtration as they're messy as are plecs. What kind of plec is it btw?
I imagine khuli loaches may eventually be spaghetti for the BGK but not sure.
Clown loaches need a 6ft tank minimum, and should be kept in groups of 6+.
I imagine you know most of that but if not I wanted to make sure you did.
Thank you I did not know to keep them in groups of at least six. The pleco is small but I left him in the community tank, Oscar has been moved and seems much happier by himself. He's only about 4 inches now so once he starts growing I'll have to take the big tank out of storage. They all seem much happier now, thanks for all the advice!

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